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Recent Submissions

Microbiological, Nutritional, and Sensory Quality of Bread Produced from Wheat and Potato Flour Blends
(International Journal of Food Science, 2014) Aransiola, S.A
Dehydrated uncooked potato (Irish and sweet) flour was blended by weight with commercial wheat flour at 0 to 10% levels of substitution to make bread. Comparative study of the microbial and nutritional qualities of the bread was undertaken. The total aerobic bacterial counts ranged from 3.0 × 105 cfu/g to 1.09 × 106 cfu/g while the fungal counts ranged from 8.0 × 101 cfu/g to 1.20 × 103 cfu/g of the sample. Coliforms were not detected in the bread. Bacteria isolated were species of Bacillus, Staphylococcus, and Micrococcus while fungi isolates were species of Aspergillus, Penicillium, Rhizopus, and Mucor. The mean sensory scores (color, aroma, taste, texture, and general acceptability) were evaluated. The color of the bread baked from WF/IPF2 (wheat/Irish potato flour, 95:5%) blend was preferred to WF (wheat flour, 100%) while WF/SPF1 (wheat/sweet potato flour, 100%) and WF/IPF1 (wheat/Irish potato flour, 90:10%) aroma were preferred to WF. However, the bread baked from WF, WF/IPF2 (wheat flour/Irish potato flour, 95:5%), and WF/SPF2 (wheat/sweet potato flour, 95:5%) was more acceptable than other blends. The use of hydrated potato flour in bread making is advantageous due to increased nutritional value, higher bread yield, and reduced rate of staling.
Removal of Lead by Bacillus subtilis and Staphylococcus aureus Isolated From E-Waste Dumpsite.
(Annals. Food Science and Technology, 2017) Abioye, O.P., Oyewole, O.A., Aransiola, S.A. and Usman, A.U.
Soil samples obtained from e-waste dumpsite in Kansuwan Gwari, Minna, Nigeria were used for the isolation of microorganisms used in lead (Pb) biosorption studies. The soil sample was cultured for the test organisms (Bacillus subtilis and Staphylococcus aureus). Box Behnken design was used to optimize the removal of lead by the test organisms. The factors used in the Box Behnken design included: temperature, pH and lead concentration. For Bacillus subtilis, the analysis of variance for the response(lead removal) gave a probability value of 0.651 for the regression, which showed the model was not quite fit for the design since the p-value(0.651) was greater than 0.05. For Staphylococcus aureus, the results of the analysis of variance for the response indicated that the probability value of 0.983 for the regression showed that the model was not a good fit for the design since the p-value (0.983) was equally greater than 0.05. More models could be applied to various fields in microbiology as it reduces the time for lengthy experiments and tends to narrow the experiment to how effectively the results can be achieved. This study can be applied to the bigger picture of the effective pH, temperature and other parameters for the clean-up of pollution in the environment.
Phytochemical Screening, Proximate Analysis and Mineral Composition of Cassia occidentalis Seed Extract.
(Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences, 2011) Aransiola, S.A.
Qualitative determination of chemical and nutritional composition of Cassia occidentalis, an underexploited crop seed in Nigeria, was carried out. Seeds of C. occidentalis were found to be rich in crude protein, carbohydrate, and mineral elements. Mineral analysis of C. occidentalis showed the seed as good source of antioxidant micronutrients such as iron, calcium, potassium, sodium and magnessium. The phytochemical screening of the seed showed the presence of carbohydrate, terpene, steroid, sugar and tannins. Alkaloids, saponnins and glycosides were absent. Although the oil has a very low peroxide value and high iodine value, it cannot be recommended for consumption because of the low yield as well as its repulsive odour. The seed, however, can serve as a cheap source of protein, energy, as well as antioxidant micronutrients supplements in both man and animal.
Biological Treatment of Textile Effluent Using Candida zeylanoides and Saccharomyces cerevisiae Isolated from Soil.
(Advances in Biology, 2014) Aransiola, S.A.
This study evaluates the efficacy of yeasts isolated from soil in the treatment of textile wastewater. Two yeast species were isolated from soil; they were identified as Candida zeylanoides and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The yeasts were inoculated into fask containing effluent and incubated for 15 days. Saccharomyces cerevisiae showed the most significant treatment capacity with a 66% reduction in BOD; this was followed closely by Candida zeylanoides with 57.3% reduction in BOD and a consortium of the two species showed the least remediation potential of 36.9%. The use of Saccharomy cescerevisiae and Candida zeylanoides in treatment of textile waste water will help to limit the adverse environmental and health implications associated with disposal of untreated effluent into water bodies.