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Recent Submissions
Effects of Soil Contaminants on Soil Microbiome
(Springer Cham, 2024) Aransiola, S.A.
The soil microbiome, which comprises diverse microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, viruses and archaea; which play a fundamental role in ecosystem functions, from primary production to carbon storage. Likewise, soil microbiomes influence vital processes such as nutrient cycling and water regulation. However, soil health is under threat by different factors, including industrialization, population growth, climate change, and human activities such as erosion and pollution. Heavy metals, hydrocarbons and other contaminants from anthropogenic activities alter microbial communities, harming vital soil functions such as nutrient cycling and the decomposition of organic matter. Additionally, contaminants such as pesticides and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons alter the composition of the microbiome, hindering its ability to biodegrade. For centuries, scholars have explored soil microbiomes using ‘omics’ technologies to understand their genetic and biochemical makeup. Interaction mechanisms between soil microbiomes and contaminants reveal microbial capabilities to detoxify, sequester or degrade contaminants. Certain bacteria, such as rhizobacteria, that promote plant growth, help in metal chelation, nutrient solubilization and promotion of root growth, mitigating polluting effects. Efforts to restore soil microbiomes are supported by a variety of innovative and effective techniques that seek to comprehensively combat environmental pollution. These strategies range from approaches that use the biological activity of microorganisms to methods that take advantage of the ability of plants to absorb and detoxify soil. Such approaches, developed with the common goal of improving soil quality and mitigating environmental impacts, represent a constantly evolving field of study and exploration of new sustainable solutions for the restoration of terrestrial ecosystems. Understanding the intricate relationship between soil microbiomes and contaminants is vital to designing effective strategies to restore soil health and ensure environmental sustainability. Taking advantage of the diverse capacities of the microorganisms present in the soil, the impacts of pollution could be reduced, in order to preserve the vital functions of terrestrial ecosystems. Keeping in view of the importance of soil microbiome in environmental sustainability, following topics were deeply discussed in this chapter: (i) fundamentals of the soil microbiome, (ii) Impact of soil contaminants on microbiome diversity, (iii) mechanisms of interaction of the soil microbiome on contaminants, (iv) rhizobacteria as plant growth promoters (PGPR) in soil pollution mitigation, and (v) tool and strategies for the restoration of the soil microbiome.
Microbiological and Sensory Attributes of Water Melon Juice and Watermelon-orange Juice Mix
(Journal of Food Resource Science, 2015) Aransiola, S.A.
Juice was produced from watermelon and stored at room (28±2°C) and refrigeration (8°C) temperatures and was analyzed for its microbiological and nutritional qualities. The total aerobic bacterial, coliform, mold and yeast counts increased with time. Total aerobic bacterial counts ranged from 1.5×102 to 3.6×103 for water melon juice (WM), 1.3×103 to 2.3×102 for water melon/orange juice mix (WO) and 1.0×103 to 2.9×102 for commercially packaged juice (ST). Coliform counts were 1.0×103 to 2.9×102 for WM, 2.1×102 to 2.3×103 for WO and no counts were recorded for ST, while the yeast counts ranged from 2.4×102 to 2.6×103 for WM, 2.4×103 to 3.2×103 for WO and 0 to 1.2×102 for ST. Bacteria isolated were Bacillus sp. Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella sp. and Pseudomonas sp., while the mold isolates were Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus flavus and Mucor sp. The yeast isolate was Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Vitamin C and total solid contents decreased with time while total titratable acidity and ash content increased on storage in freshly made juice samples, commercially packaged juice which served as a control showed negligible changes. The general acceptability tests revealed that the commercially packaged juice (ST) was preferred on account of taste and flavor while water melon juice (WM) was preferred based on colour. The water melon/orange juice mix (WO) was however, not preferred because of colour, flavor and taste.
Biosorption of Lead by Bacteria Isolated from Abattoir Wastewater.
(Nigerian Journal of Technological Research, 2021) Aransiola, S.A.
Six bacteria were isolated from abattoir wastewater collected from Minna central abattoir. Lead tolerant bacteria were isolated from the wastewater. The isolates were then characterized on the basis of their colonial appearance and reaction to various biochemical tests. The lead tolerance profile of the isolates was carried out using agar diffusion method, with concentrations of Lead nitrate ranging from 50-250 mg/L. Two resistant isolates identified as species of Bacillus and Neisseria were selected for biosorption studies. Lead concentration was determined using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry. The lead biosorption capacity of the two isolates was studied by inoculating 2 mL of 24 hours old bacteria suspension in 50mL Nutrient broth, containing varying concentrations of lead (500 and 1000 mg/L) at varying pH (7 and 8), with representative samples being withdrawn at day 4, 8 and 12. The results showed that highest biosorption rate was recorded on day 10, at pH 7, in solution containing 500 mg/L of lead with 75.3% and 66% by Bacillus sp. and Neisseria sp. respectively. These results show that Bacillus sp. had better sorption capacity than Neisseria sp. Both organisms can be used for the removal of lead.
Marine Microbial Enzymes - An Overview
(Springer Nature Singapore, 2022) Aransiola S.A.
The modern world is now focusing on environmental-friendly products, and, hence, many chemical processes are being replaced by enzymatic methods. In recent years, enzymes have attracted huge attention due to their potential industrial, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic applications in everyday life. The marine environment has been identified as a reservoir of important microorganisms having the potential to generate multifarious enzyme systems with novel applications. Marine microbial enzymes, in particular, attract special interest due to their distinct habitat-related properties that enable them to be active in extreme environments. Hence, marine microbial enzymes including proteases, lipases, collagenases, agarases, celluloses, and other enzymes can offer novel biocatalysts with extraordinary properties. This chapter discusses marine microbial enzymes, their properties, and their applications in different fields of human endeavors.
Marine Greens: Roles in Climate Change and Global Warming Mitigations.
(CRC Press, 2024) Aransiola, S.A.
The world has been witnessing an unprecedented release of greenhouse gas emissions, notably CO2 (which accounts for 68% of greenhouse gases), into the environment, especially from anthropogenic sources. This has had a deleterious impact on different ecosystems and even humans. Different strategies, including physical methods such as ocean storage, biochar burial, and geological sequestration; chemical methods such as chemical scrubbing and mineral carbonization; and biological land-based processes such as agriculture, reforestation, and photosynthetic microorganisms, have been explored with little success. In order to curb this menace, ocean-based strategies using two major types of marine greens (macro- and microalgae) have been highlighted to play crucial roles in mitigating climate change and global warming. Marine greens are excellent at sequestering carbon from the environment. Marine greens play crucial roles in mitigating climate change and global warming by capturing carbon from stationary sources, which can then be used to produce useful chemicals and even generate energy.